Finding yourself a hobby can be fun and enjoyable during your retirement. To get the right hobby, you need to consider what you enjoy doing and not what your family or friends think you are supposed to do. Your decision should come from within yourself because it is about you.
Find one early
It is best to choose a hobby while you are still working so that you will be able to plan for the coming days when you will be free from daily commitments. It is even a good idea to have several hobbies because your interests and abilities may change as you get older. It is also essential to have a hobby that will allow you to work with your hands.
To find the best hobby, follow these steps:
Do some soul searching and put down some notes without limiting your ideas too much. Consider that your hobby can also generate income during retirement, but still don’t let that be the main reason for finding a hobby. Make it one that you will enjoy.
Make a top five list
Come up with the top five new activities that you are interested in. Be sure to be open to anything without limiting yourself to financial gain or to what people say you can do.
- Photography, including nature photography, babies, and weddings
- DIY activities, such as cement work
- Interior design
- Woodworking
- Furniture painting
- Participating in flea markets
- Having trash-to-treasure projects
- Joining a theater to be in a play
- Learn a sport
- Mosaics
- Small appliance repair
- Needlework, such as embroidery
- Knitting and crocheting
- Quilting
- Volunteering
- Watch repair
- Cake baking and decorations
- Gardening with a specialty, such as roses
- Flower pressing
- Creative writing
- Singing
- Dancing
- Bird watching
- Fishing
- Choose the most suitable
You know what idea melts your heart, so go for it. You can start with the top five or two of the top five. You can then choose what you enjoy most.
When trying to find a hobby, many community resources and Independent Senior Living places offer classes for such activities and also remember the library.